Rhys March

I am a MComp Computer Science student at Newcastle University, with a strong interest in Cybersecurity.

My technical skills include Python, C#, and Web Development, and I have experience using Linux and tools like Wireshark.

Rhys March




PicoSniff is a lightweight, user-friendly packet sniffer designed for network monitoring on both traditional and embedded systems. It's a terminal-based application that provides real-time packet capture and analysis, with features for visualising network traffic and detecting potential network threats.

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Project 2 GIF

Meal Mate

Meal Mate is a web application aimed at reducing food waste and achieving the goal of zero hunger. Meal Mate features many functionalities that help users reduce food waste and make a positive impact on the environment.

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Project 2 GIF

Boids Simulation

A 2D simulation of the Boids Algorithm, rendered using Three.js and controlled interactively with Dat.GUI. The simulation illustrates the flocking behaviour of birds

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